Health and Physical Education

Our vision is to: “Provide opportunities for all our students to become active and engaged learners with the aim to becoming a well-educated, confident and capable person through Physical Education and Health”

Health & Physical Education is an important aspect of every child’s development. Through both these curriculum areas, our students strive to become a well-educated young person with confidence in themselves, their abilities and their interactions with those around them.

Our programme is designed to carefully and purposefully guide each student through their own personal growth, develop their knowledge and understanding of themselves and the world around them, and to expose them to challenging situations that improve their confidence and self-management.

In the junior school, Health & Physical Education introduces the student to who they are, what they are capable of, and the challenging situations they encounter that provides opportunities for improvement.

In the senior school, the students undertake a course of deeper discovery into Physical Education. They learn how this subject can not only improve them as individuals but also improve their ability to interact at a high level with those around them. As they progress through each year, their knowledge and understanding becomes more specific and focused on their own strengths and allows them more direction to explore their interests and capabilities.

Every year group is fully supported and aided through each term. Help and advice is always available for both the student and whānau through our subject specific web site, where each class and year have specific information to help and guide them through each module of learning.



Warwick Kain – HoDHealth, Physical
Luke T FraserHealth, Physical
Danielle FrostHealth, Physical
Kelly WilkinsonHealth, Physical
Atawhai HoteneHealth, Physical