LPHS 50th Reunion
Reconnect with old classmates, visit old Dunedin student haunts, and enjoy a weekend of fun.
The time has come to celebrate and catch up with friends. Your reunion committee is pleased to announce that we are hard at work planning an event where we can get together, reminisce, and catch up.
For any questions, please contact us at LPHSReunion@encoreeventcoordination.co.nz
Let’s make this reunion one to remember!
Park Press
LPHS 2021 Magazine
Enjoy our 2020 Yearbook featuring photos, stories and reports about the many activities occurring across the year.
Read the full publication
LPHS 2020 Magazine
Around Logan Park
News and events from around Logan Park – LPHS students in action!
School Calendar
Sports Draws
For sign-up and information on all sports, check our sports website.

CareerWise info
Discover the latest career news, jobs and events!
Entering the Electrical Industry
Read more on CareerWise: Entering the Electrical IndustryYour guide to electrical apprenticeships and pre-trade.
NZ Gaming industry gets funding boost as job demand grows
Read more on CareerWise: NZ Gaming industry gets funding boost as job demand growsChair of the NZ Game Developers Association, Chelsea Rapp caught up with Newshub Nation to break down the importance and reach of the booming national game development industry.