Board of Trustees Members
The following Parents/Caregivers are serving as elected parent representatives on the Logan Park High School Board of Trustees:
Davies, Michael
Thomson, Tessa
Tokona, Ronda
Yip, Li-Syn Dora
Signed, Gemma Harris (Returning Officer)
Also on the Board are:
Kirsty Sangster and Peter Hills (Co-Principals)
Paul Fielding (Staff Representative)
Jack Canty (Student Representative)
Board Secretary:
Gemma Harris
Board Members’ Profiles
Ronda Tokona (Ngaiterangi, Ngati Porou, Te Arawa) brings considerable experience to her role on the LPHS Board of Trustees. She is the current Board Chair, has been on the board for a number of years. She is married to Walter and had two children, Reva and Joshua Grills, attend the school. She is a Senior Solicitor at Business South Inc advising employers on their duties and obligations to employees, and the myriad of matters that arise in the workplace. She has had extensive governance experience locally and nationally sitting on Boards, Panels, and Councils, and she is very aware that the role of governance inevitably results in decisions being made that people may not agree on. The key is that “we have a team of individuals that can robustly debate issues, listen to the views of others, and make decisions that show leadership, and integrity.” She looks forward to providing further service to the Logan Park High School students, staff, and whanau.
Dora Yip is the Chief Marketing Officer for Kiwi software company, PocketSmith. She’s the proud mum of two boys, Jordan and Jonah, and married to David. Dora brings an open-minded and empathetic approach to governance, and almost twenty years of marketing and media relations experience. She believes honest communication and mutual respect are at the heart of all healthy relationships, and is committed to working together with the other Board members to support LPHS’ wonderful community of students, teachers and leaders.
Paul Fielding has been a senior humanities teacher at Logan Park for the past 35 years. He is a House Dean, as well as a keen coach of cricket and badminton. He has been involved in facilitating overseas travel for numerous student groups to destinations including Vietnam, South Korea and the US. He is married to Karyn, who works for the Ministry of Education. They have two daughters. Paul has been the Staff Representative on the LPHS Board of Trustees since 2016. As one of the longest serving current staff members, it would be an understatement to say that Paul loves the school and intimately understands its spirit and strengths.
Jack Canty is a year 13 student at Logan Park. He is involved in a variety of school activities such as basketball and leadership roles. He has a strong passion for films and novels and enjoys spending his free time going to the gym and playing basketball. After school, Jack hopes to travel and see the world, and then study psychology at university.
Raised on the northern coast of Dunedin, Tessa now lives in Ōpoho with her whānau. Her two sons have attended/currently attend LPHS. She brings her experience in community and NFP groups to the board, along with project management skills and a focus on clear and inclusive communication.
Tessa currently works in a corporate planning/policy role and is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the school community in a small way.
Open Session Board Minutes
Plans and Reports
Annual Strategic Plan 2025
Analysis of Variance 2023
Annual Report for 2023
Board of Trustees Policies
Our school policies are administered through SchoolDocs.
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