On Saturday 27 July, two Year 13 Drama students – Grace Fagerlund and Quinn Wilson – competed in the local round of Theatrefest.
Theatrefest is a festival that not only promotes student performances, but also student creativity and direction.
They faced some amazing competition and were up against 4 other schools and 6 other performances.
Grace and Quinn directed the piece together, but also designed the costumes, props, set, sound design and lighting.
Each of the other performances were big ensembles and Grace and Quinn represented Logan Park as a strong duo.
They performed a 15 minute excerpt from Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull to a thunderous applause.
Grace came away with an Excellence in Acting Award, and together they took home the top Distinction Award for Production of Drama.
We will find out over the next few weeks if they’ve moved onto the Lower South Island Regional Festival in late August.