Tag: Māori and Pasifika
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Inter-house kī o rahi
To celebrate te wiki o te reo māori, we organised an inter-house kī o rahi tournament in…
Kia hika ahi – traditional Māori fire making
Year 10 students in Mr. Pirie’s friction unit teamed up with Year 13 students from Ms. Evans’…
Staff PD Te Tiriti o Waitangi Workshop with Alice Perkins
On Friday the 5th of July Logan Park staff were treated to a full day workshop on Te Tiriti o…
Park Press July 2024
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Mana Pounamu Young Achievers awards
In the last week of Term 2, students, kaiako and whānau attended the annual Mana Pounamu Young…
Pasifika Mental Health Workshop
In week 10 of Term 2, Kaitlyn Doig, Lemon Turei and Te Manawa Williams attended the Pasifika Mental…
Matariki week – Mānawatia a Matariki – Matariki heri kai
In week 9 of Term 2, we celebrated Matariki week – Māori New Year….