On Friday, May 17th it was Pink Shirt day. This is a day to celebrate being kind and inclusive to others and to raise awareness about bullying and the importance of being an upstander, not a bystander.
Our school took the initiative to celebrate this day by wearing pink on friday, but our involvement didn’t stop there and our well-being prefects and well-being ambassadors set to work in order to promote this day to the fullest with fun and exciting activities!
The events included cute kindness cards that students could write sweet messages on to their friends and have delivered on Friday during group time, along with a fun colouring competition for people to engage in all week long. We are also excited to announce that the colouring competition winner was Rosa Fyfe.
Along with these delightful week-long activities that enlightened students on the Friday events, we had an outstanding photo booth in the library set up by our own well-being ambassadors and prefects, along with other kind helpers. This photo booth had great success and so many students dressed up in pink eagerly got involved and took some fun pictures with their friends which can be admired on the school website. We also had nail and face painting stations set up in the bays by the library for students to get involved in the pink and colourful excitement. These all gathered rampant success during lunch when they were on and available for people to engage in.
People took to the activities straight away and our school had a beautiful display of pink for the whole day of May 17th. The fun and exciting celebration of this annual event that brings people together and promotes kindness and inclusion was greatly successful and we hope to share the same kind of love on this day next year!